Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pollution-it's a waste

A helpful way to remember the types of pollution is the acronym waste.
ater pollution
Air pollution
Solid pollutants
Energized pollution

~Water pollution
is the contamination of lakes,rivers,oceans,and groundwater.
-How our energy system caused this:Worldwide,about 210 million gallons of petroleum enter the sea each year from human caused petroleum sources.
However,spills only make up about 12% of this.According to a study by the U.S. National Research Council,three times this amount (36%)of oil enters the ocean as polluted runoff from our streets and parking lots.
This is just oil.Coal and even natural gas have their issues too.Unfortunately,I don't have room.
-How the new energy system solves this:New clean energy technologies are harmless.Take bio diesel,the environmentally friendly counterpart of diesel.Bio diesel is biodegradable,and nontoxic.
Or take wind energy,while coal pollutes water at every step,wind energy reduces water consumption and water pollution.A new energy system solves water pollution because the fuels are harmless,there is a lot less "processing" of the energy product,and because the energy is local.

~Air pollution is the introduction of pollutants into the air/atmosphere.A pollutant is a substance that causes harm (to humans,the environment,ect.).This is probably the most well-known form of environmental pollution.Most air pollution is man-made and energy related.
-How our energy system caused this:Fossil fuel power plants and automobiles account for 90% of air pollution in the United States.Take a look at this,this is the emissions overview of one coal power plant for one year:http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/coalvswind/c02c.html
Now,there's a myth we need to clear up.Many people say that emissions standards are stronger than ever,that power plants and vehicles are much cleaner then they used to be.Well,they are,but any reductions of emissions that we have achieved,have largely been offset by a greater number of vehicles and power plants.So,while the quality has increased,the quantity has also increased.The net effect? The air isn't any cleaner.
-How the new energy system solves this:Alternative energy technology does the same job without the emissions.This is where you really experience the benefits of clean energy working with energy efficiency.Not only does it make the energy cleaner,it reduces total energy used,through energy efficiency and conservation.So,while the fossil fuel energy economy is increasing the quality and the quantity of energy used,the renewable energy economy increases the quality while decreasing the quantity used.

~Solid pollutants are solid substances (other than MSW) that cause harm to living things.While I do not include garbage in this category,I do include all hazardous wastes,coal ash,radioactive wastes,industrial pollution,etc.
-How our energy system caused this:Making electricity from coal produces 130 million tons of waste.Most of this is coal ash,which contains mercury,arsenic,lead,and other toxic metals.After the combustion process,about 10% of the original volume of coal remains.
In nuclear energy,before enrichment the concentration of the fissionable isotope U-235 is 0.7%,and after the fuel is used it is "left" containing 95% uranium.In other words,very little is used.A lot is wasted.
-How the new energy system solves this:Simple,we just don't use coal.While some coal usage is unavoidable,coal wastes can be mitigated.Energy efficiency helps too.This is why alternative energy (including energy efficiency) should always be used if possible,as opposed to improvements in fossil fuel energy.Take carbon capture and storage (CCS)-coal without the carbon.CCS does not address coal wastes.
Renewable energy has no waste,and no carbon.
The clean energy economy reduces the use of nuclear power (but only after reducing coal first),and the nuclear energy we do use,we use efficiently,further reducing waste.
Also,we would use new methods of dealing with waste.

~Trash is just normal garbage.While a little different than other types of pollution,it still can be labeled as one.
-How our energy system caused this:It's more of a mindset that caused this.The same way of thinking that has taken place regarding energy,has taken place regarding trash and landfills.We're used to expecting the benefits,without the consequences.We're used to having the problems fall on someone else,somewhere else."Not in my backyard",we say.It has to happen somewhere, If you don't want to deal with the consequences don't make the problem!
Actually,other than our mindset,there are a few links between trash and our energy system.
When we throw something away,we are throwing away energy.Take aluminum cans,the energy saved from recycling one can could power your TV for 3 hours!
Another problem is landfill gas,or methane,produced from rotting garbage.Methane is 21 times "better" as greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
-How the new energy system solves this: When we change our mindset about energy,we'll change it about garbage.We'll use the 3R's-reduce,reuse,recycle.We'll save energy.And we'll capture that landfill gas to make electricity.

~"Energized pollution"is only considered pollution because of how and when and where it is emitted.
This category includes "pollution" that is just misplaced energy.Benign energy in the wrong place.
These are light pollution,noise (unwanted sound) pollution,and thermal (heat) pollution.
-How our energy system caused this: Light pollution is from lights that haven't been turned off.
The main contributing factor of noise in cities is automobiles.This is because of the internal combustion engine.Thermal pollution changes the temperature of water and air. The causes of thermal pollution are power plants,lack of green spaces,deforestation,automobiles,etc.
-How the new energy system solves this: Renewable energy largely avoids combustion.When you avoid combustion you avoid noise,and heat.For electricity,renewable energy just captures the energy source (sun,wind,etc.), and turns it directly into electricity.No noise pollution,no thermal pollution.
For transportation,alternative energy vehicles-such as electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles-are silent.
Light pollution is also reduced because everyone is turning off lights (think earth hour).
Lastly,Noise and thermal pollution are reduced when we have green spaces-parks,forests,green roofs,etc.

So,in conclusion,our current energy system is waste-ful.It's polluting.
The new system,reduces every type of pollution.
I hope you've learned something new about the types of pollution.
If you need more information,please research it more,I barely touched on everything there is to learn.
Just remember the acronym waste.


  1. Jeremiah,
    Nice post. Thanks for the UCS link on coal pollution too!

    It's worth pointing out that renewable energy forms, solar in particular, do produce waste streams, though, in the end, solar is clearly far superior to coal. Wind, geothermal are probably the cleanest, although wind, like any form of human produced energy, does have environmental drawbacks (its impact on wildlife, though, I've read that this is often wildly over-stated).

    The solar industry in the U.S. and globally needs to come together and implement a long-term recycling plan. I write about that here --

  2. Christof,Thanks for your concern.While all energy(including renewable energy)has its problems,renewable energy has far,far,less.
    Thanks for your article.

  3. Jeremiah, thanks 4 the link. I´m a friend from FB.
